
Tucked around the right side of the altar platform, next to the confessional, is the 例如满 雕塑. 这位艺术家, 史蒂文Heilmer, presents a compelling new image of grace that Mary, 耶稣的母亲, 对我们来说. 独特而诱人, 例如满 was carved out of a single piece of Carrara marble and installed in the 圣礼拜堂. 伊格内修斯 at 国外博彩app in spring 2001. 例如满, which means “Full of Grace,” is a translation of the biblical exclamation of Elizabeth as she greeted Mary, from which developed the most familiar of Catholic devotional prayers, 万福玛利亚.


The statue discloses three elements:

  • Source: A bowl that has been covered in gold leaf.
  • 流: Out of the bowl flows milk, streaming forth abundantly.
  • Figure: The shape of a person emerges from the statue.

What follows are some reflections on the 雕塑, offered as possible starting points for your own reflection and prayer:


向前倾斜, the gold-leafed bowl is the place from which milk flows from a mysterious, 隐藏的, 无休止的来源. 同样的, 同一片金箔, pressed into the chapel’s square east wall creates a reflective and suitable background for the altar. The rim of the bowl creates an additional image of a halo above the figure of Mary. This circular shape is replicated in the bronze circular rim of the baptismal font.

流 and the image of movement resonate throughout the chapel. Water as a sense of flow is a prominent image in the chapel. The reflection pool in front of the chapel was designed by architect Steven Holl to establish a sense of “aqueous space” that continues in the watery, dark polished concrete of the floors.

The sense of flow from the reflection pool also moves inside to the image of the River Cardoner on the narthex carpet, which is separated from the pool only by a clear window.

The ceiling above the 雕塑 flows in a curve from east to west, where the baptismal font is located. Water in the font moves in a subtle fashion due to a small pump that circulates the “living water.” In the 圣体礼拜堂 by Linda Beaumont, 600 pounds of beeswax flow down the walls as an image for the countless prayers people offer.


在海尔默的雕塑中, the figure of Mary is outlined rather than specified in order to emphasize all believers’ identification with Mary as model disciple. This polished outline reflects traditional images of Mary, such as Our Lady of Guadalupe. 例如满的 female figure emerges into view only when observers have placed themselves in the proper perspective to recognize the figure.

The Sculpture and Scripture

例如满 is rich in Biblical allusions closely relating our 雕塑 and Scripture. The presence of Mary is complex, revealing the wisdom, vulnerability and grace of her discipleship. 满溢的恩典 例如满 mirrors her celebratory prayer of Luke 1, “为你, 全能者, have done great things for me, 你的名为圣. Your mercy reaches from age to age for those who fear you. You have filled the hungry with good things, while you have sent the rich away empty.”

 “I have come to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them out of that land into a good and gracious land, a land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:7-9).

“I could not talk to you as spiritual people, but as fleshly people, as infants in Christ. I fed you milk, not solid food, because you were unable to take it. Indeed, you are still not able, even now, for you are still flesh" (1 Corinthians 3:1-3).

“All ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank from a spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ" (1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12). 

“The splendor of the Lord goes over you" (Isaiah 60:1).

Photo of the 例如满 statue in the 圣礼拜堂. 伊格内修斯.