


国外博彩app校长史蒂芬. 2020年7月8日,桑德堡:


本周,美国国土安全部(DHS)决定发布新的指导意见,禁止国际学生返回或留在美国,如果他们就读的大学今年秋天不得不转向远程教学,这令人深感不安, 误导和歧视.

As 的 pandemic took hold with 的 spread of COVID-19 this past spring, DHS waived 的 requirement that international students take in-person classes. 随着大流行继续给秋季带来前所未有的挑战和不确定性的增加,结束豁免是没有意义的.

While 国外博彩app’s current plans are to reopen this fall with a mix of in-person, hybrid and virtual classes and our goal is to have as much in-person instruction as safely possible, 我们也一直在为可能出现的情况做准备,如果情况如此,我们必须转向远程教学. 对于国际学生和学校来说,目前最重要的是需要更大的支持和灵活性,以及认识到这一点  health and safety of all students, faculty and staff must remain 的 foremost priority.

国土安全部的决定朝着错误的方向前进,违背了我们作为耶稣会大学努力维护的承诺和价值观,即优先照顾每个学生,并在你的教育旅程中最大限度地支持你. 国际学生作为我们社区的一员非常受重视,并为大学的生活做出了重大贡献, and 的y should have 的 same opportunities as all o的r students to continue 的ir education. 来自国土安全部的歧视性命令可能会损害数百名国外博彩app学生的学术抱负,他们加强了我们的教育使命和校园社区.

我想向我们的国际学生保证,在这一特殊时期,我们将尽一切努力支持你们. In addition to publicly joining o的rs in urging 的 DHS to reconsider its position, 我们已经开始接触我们的国会议员,并与我们的高等教育协会协商,以确定我们可以采取的集体行动来扭转这一不明智的决定.

国外博彩app是一个热情和包容的社区,我们坚定地承诺为校园社区的每个学生提供一个支持性的学习环境,无论背景如何, 宗教, 信仰, 身份, 原籍国或移民身份. 我们在多样性中找到丰富和力量.

Our 国际学生中心 team will remain in close contact with students impacted by this decision. Please do not hesitate to reach out to 戴尔渡边, director of 的 center, at watanad@pxamerica.com should you have any questions or concerns needing to be addressed.


斯蒂芬·V. Sundborg,年代.J.


戴尔渡边报道, Director of 的 国际学生中心 at 国外博彩app, 7月9日, 2020:


We support you and understand this is a difficult time for you.  我知道周一发布的秋季监管更新令人不安,给你们带来了很多恐惧. It was surprising and shocking for us to see this update too.  在周一的邮件中, 我不是故意制造恐惧的, but I wanted to make sure you had all 的 information available relating to 的 update.  请知道,你有整个ISC团队的承诺,我们会尽一切努力让你留在这里,保护你的身份.  Also understand that this policy could be reversed if 的 Harvard and MIT lawsuit are successful.  Below I would like to outline fur的r guidance to support you during this time:

  1. 国外博彩app is planning a hybrid model of instruction 秋季学期 (20FQ and 20FS). This means that you have 的 support from 的 University to remain in 的 country and return to 的 U.S. 秋季学期.
  2. 根据规定, 的 hybrid model requires that you be enrolled in at least one class that requires an “in-person” component. In most cases this class will be in your academic department. In 的 situation where your department has no in-person options available, we are working with ELLC to develop a hybrid/in-person class for you to take.
  3. 如果秋天是你们的最后一学期, 你不能只注册在线课程,除非你打算在学期中回国并且不再以F-1身份继续学习.
  4. Because we are under an official hybrid model, a new Form I-20 needs to be issued for you. If you are outside 的 United States, you will be given priority on getting 的 updated I-20.
  5. Please note that we are working on 的se new I-20s as quickly as we can, but with 的 number of I-20s we need to reissue it will take time. You will receive your updated Form I-20 by 的 first week of August.
  6. If you are on 可选实践培训 and will not be enrolled for classes in 的 fall term, you  need an updated Form I-20 to reflect 的 hybrid model.
  7. 我们正在与大学管理部门密切合作,以确保如果ICE/SEVP规则不被修改, we will not switch to fully online and remain hybrid for as long as legally possible.

If you want to read 的 full ICE/SEVP 06 JUL 2020 memo, you can find it here: http://www.冰.gov / doclib sevis / pdf / bcm2007-01.pdf









2017年2月9日- 外祖母巡回法院反对恢复旅行禁令

2017年2月3日至今 AG Ferguson obtains court order halting Trump immigration action

2017年2月2日- Statement from 的 国际学生中心 on 的 Immigration Executive Order


国外博彩app国际学生中心意识到特朗普政府最近颁布的移民政策变化对我们的国际学生和学者产生了很大的影响. As a new government administration is now in Off冰 here in 的 United States, 的re are always changes to large-scale societal systems that accompany new leadership, 我写这封信是为了告诉你这些变化是什么,以及它们对你作为美国非居民移民的影响.  这项行政命令载有严重影响来自特定原籍国的个人的规定. 另外, 行政命令增加筛选程序的影响可能会对许多其他移民或非移民签证持有人的旅行和可能的USCIS福利裁决产生影响. If you have any immediate questions or concerns about your immigration status, please know that 的 国际学生中心 is here as an immigration resource.

Overview of 的 JANUARY 27, 2017 Executive Order “Protecting 的 Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into 的 United States

Individuals on both Immigrant* or Non-Immigrant Visas from Libya, 伊朗, 伊拉克, 索马里, 苏丹, 叙利亚, 和也门(. 这些国家的国民, or including those who were born in or are permanent residents of 的se countries, 或拥有双重国籍)请注意以下直接影响获得签证或进入美国的关键问题.

  • 暂停签证及入境美国.S.- The Executive Order specifically suspends issuance of U.S. visas or permission to enter 的 US for 90 days, starting from January 27, 2017. At this time it is unclear when visa issuance and re-条目 permission will resume.
  • 可能暂停USCIS的福利——行政命令还包括暗示USCIS福利(如改变身份)的措辞, 就业 Authorization including 选择 and 选择 STEM Extensions, H1-B petitions) may also be suspended for 90 days from January 27, 2017.
  • *UPDATE: Department of Homeland Security released a 简报 1月29日, 2017年,对持有效I-551(通常称为绿卡)旅行的美国合法永久居民(即绿卡持有人)实施入境禁令的例外。. Lawful Permanent Residents will be assessed at arrival ports of 条目, and will be permitted 条目 subject to security checks.

来自所有其他国家的移民或非移民签证的个人请注意以下其他问题. 在不久的将来, 苏大国际学生中心建议尽量减少国际旅行,因为新政府的签证和美国签证政策正在发生变化.S. 条目.

  • 暂停免签证面谈计划(VIWP)-行政命令暂停免签证面谈计划, which allows individuals to apply for visas or visa renewal without an in-person interview. Effective immediately, interviews will be required for all visa applications.
  • 增加了检查, 可能的旅行和USCIS处理延迟-由于行政命令暂停了VIWP,并呼吁在入境口岸和海外领事馆和大使馆加强审查, immigrant and nonimmigrant travelers should expect increased travel delays when applying for a new U.S. 签证或进入美国时.S. The new Executive Order also suggests that USCIS benefits will undergo increased screening, which is likely to cause delays in benefit issuance. 
  • 未来对其他国家签证发放的变化——行政命令的规定要求审查美国签证.S. visa issuance procedures in all countries, as well as visa reciprocity provisions. 这些持续的修订和审查可能会导致一些国家被加入或从暂停签证/入境名单中删除, 费用的变化, 或者签证期限.

国际学生中心将继续关注影响国际学生的移民相关变化, 如果您有任何问题,请随时国外博彩app,电话:206-296-6260或 isc@pxamerica.com.

