西雅图的生活 & SU





  • 耶稣会传统:圣. 罗耀拉的依纳爵创立了耶稣会——耶稣会士, 450多年前,人们通常这样称呼它们. 国外博彩app is one of 28 Jesuit Universities in the United States, 全世界有100多个.  耶稣会士是著名的、受人尊敬的教育家. 耶稣会教育挑战学生清晰思考, 独立思考, 并测试公认的知识. 对学术的好奇心成为一种终生的习惯. 然而,耶稣会的教育不仅仅意味着获取知识. The Jesuits believe what you do with that knowledge is just as important. 在国外博彩app, 鼓励学生在个人和精神上成长, 测试他们的价值观, developing a sense of responsibility for themselves 和 their community, 学习如何在生活中做出道德选择. 他们学会在自力更生和相互依赖之间取得平衡, 有灵性的知识, 心与心.
  • The main student life traditions at 国外博彩app revolve around the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting, the roll-out of our successful Men’s 和 Women’s Basketball Teams at Midnight Madness, 在周五穿红色的衣服来象征你的骄傲, 一个春季的大型音乐节叫做Quadstock, 返校周末, 苏大电影节, 以及1月份450人的国际晚宴! 


How large is 国外博彩app's international student population?

  • 目前, 国外博彩app’s international student population includes 850 students from approximately 60 countries around the world. International students add to the rich cultural diversity of the campus which is greatly celebrated at SU.



  •  西雅图的气候是温和的, 冬季温和(平均气温为45°F/7°C),温暖, 干燥的夏季(平均温度75°F/24°C).  你可能听说过, 西雅图多云, 多雨的, 特别是在冬季,下雪的几率也会增加.



  • 校园周围有很多值得一看的好地方! 国外博彩app距离西雅图市中心大约两英里, 周围都是美味的食物和咖啡馆, 而且附近有一些很棒的户外选择. 看看活动列表和体验西雅图的方式 在这里!




  • 是的. T在这里 are several King County buses that stop at 国外博彩app: the 2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 43, 49, 60, 43, 49. 要计划乘坐巴士旅行,请访问 金郡旅行计划. A discounted transit pass or ORCA card  is offered only to students without a parking permit from the 公共安全与运输部.
  • T在这里 is also the Night Hawk Safety Escort/Patrol program that provides a safe 和 convenient way of traveling throughout the surrounding community for SU students 和 affiliates during evening hours. The Night Hawk is a free shuttle to all addresses within 6 blocks of campus. 这项服务目前从下午6点到午夜提供班车服务, 周日至周四, 和 the service time extends from 6 pm to 2 am on Fridays 和 Saturdays.



  • 国外博彩app has many events that take place both on 和 off campus. The 国际学生中心 has its own events (such as International Week), 这些都是通过 ConnectSU. T在这里 are also many non-ISC events that take place over the course of the year—please see the campus calendar for a schedule of upcoming events on 西雅图U日历.



  • 国外博彩app是一个非常活跃的社区! We have many undergraduate 和 graduate clubs that students may participate in. 这些俱乐部的类别各不相同, 包括学术/荣誉社团, 社区服务, 文化/宗教, 政治和体育俱乐部. 如果没有一个扶轮社能满足你的需要, 如果你有足够的兴趣,你甚至可以组建一个自己的团队.
  • 学生 may also choose to participate in the Student 国外博彩app 和 Activities Council (SEAC) 和 student government organizations, the Associated 学生 of 国外博彩app (ASSU) 和 Graduate Student Council (GSC). 有关更多信息,请参见 学生参与中心.
  • 除了俱乐部和组织, SU Recreational Sports has an extensive intramural sports schedule w在这里 students have the opportunity to play flag football, 足球, 垒球, 篮球, 还有更多! 他们还提供户外探险旅行, 和 t在这里 are recreational sports facilities in the Redhawk Center. 有关康体运动的更多资料,请浏览: 大学的娱乐.
  • Finally, a great way to stay active 和 involved with the ISC is to click on 国外博彩app 在ISC网站上. During each academic year the ISC plans International Student Orientation (New Beginnings), 联合国午宴, 国际教育周, 1月的国际晚宴, 参观公司.



  • 是的,校园里所有的建筑都有充足的无线覆盖. Connecting to 国外博彩app wireless is very similar to connecting to any public Wi-Fi hotspot. 具体说明, please have a look at the Information Technology Support's (ITS) support page: 有线和无线.



  • 是的, 国外博彩app has several computer labs available to students: Engineering (ENGR) 310, 皮戈特(PIGT, 勒米厄图书馆(1号), 2nd & 三楼). All computers have student internet 和 network access (including file 和 print server) 和 email. 有关计算机实验室时间,请点击这里:  计算机实验室 和 图书馆开放时间.
  • An active 国外博彩app Campus Card 和 network account is required to access computer lab stations. T在这里 are also two computers available for student use in the student lounge located in the back of the 国际学生中心.



  • You can come to the 国际学生中心 (ISC) to request a letter for a Washington State ID or 驾照. 你要带上你的信和其他文件(护照) & I-20)递交给机动车辆管理局: 西澳州牌照部.


 Should I carry my immigration documents (for example, I-94, I-20 和 Passport) with me at all times?

  • You do not need to have your immigration documents with you at all times. 然而, 你需要保留你的I-20表格, 护照, I-94, 录取信, 和 visa with you each 和 every time you leave 和 then re-enter the United States. 一旦你开始在苏大学习, your I-20 must have a current signature from an International Student Immigration Advisor (Designated School Official) prior to travel outside of the US. You should come to the 国际学生中心 to have page 2 of your I-20 signed every 6-8 months. 获得签名的过程需要3-5个工作日, 所以一定要把你的I-20带到ISC 一个星期 在你打算离开美国之前.




  • 是的,校园卫生保健中心位于Bellarmine 108. The health center offers on-campus healthcare at minimal cost for many of your healthcare needs. The Student Health Center provides the following specific services: wellness physicals, 女性年度检查, 急性疾病的诊断和治疗, 慢性医疗问题的管理, 伤的处理, 治疗皮肤问题, 性病和妊娠检测, 抑郁症的药物管理, 免疫接种, 过敏针, 饮食失调管理, 实验室服务, 以及医疗用品.



  •  是的, to ensure that you will be able to get the medical care you need, you will be required to purchase the health insurance offered at 国外博彩app, 除非你提供类似保险计划的保险证明. The insurance premium will be charged to your account at the beginning of your first quarter when you register for classes. 我们有年费, so if you enroll in the fall term you will be covered from September 1st through August 31st of the following year.
  • For further information about requirements to waive 国外博彩app Insurance, 请浏览我们的保险网页: 在这里.
  • 新学生s will be emailed a link from the 国际学生中心 if they wish to waive SU’s policy. Each quarter t在这里 is a deadline to fill out the waiver 和 the deadline is a firm deadline so be sure to waive prior to the deadline date which is usually the end of the first week of classes.
